Hello Houston
This journey begins with a trip with my friends and fellow filmmakers Jake, Kade, and Lili to Dallas to a Film Festival in Houston Texas. After being a selected project for the Cinespace Competition, A Little Journey, a project directed was set to premiere at this festival.

We started off by flying into Dallas... thinking we'd save a lot of money... little did we know how far the distance was my friend Sam graciously offered to house us and take us in her truck to Houston joining in on the party. She had requested we rent a bigger car but being the poor college students we were we thought it was ok and we could just squeeze in her truck. By the end of the trip Kade and I were laying in the bed of the truck as we drove a few hours to Houston, completely sunburnt. We arrived a day early and checked out the sights along with the infamous Houston NASA musem. (I forget that that's where the phrase comes from... Huston we have a problem)

The festival itself was incredibly rewarding and beautiful. All the films in the festival were created whole heartedly. With my friends same extroverted nature we were able to meet a lot of other filmmakers and get a. bit drunk a long the way. It was a fun time but one of my first trips where I realized the importance of planning especially when it comes to sight seeing.

Screen grabs from A Little Journey 2016.